Our Paddy Pallin Foundation-sponsored ABS grants support projects by members that promote the conservation and/or knowledge of bats in Australasia
Applications (CLOSED)
Members must submit an application proposal outlining the project’s objectives, methodology, timeline, budget details and contribution to the conservation and/or knowledge of bats in Australasia. When:
Assessment of applications:
The assessment process will be double-blind, and all applications will be anonymised prior to being passed onto the assessment panel. Applicants can choose to either anonymise applications themselves by removing their names and other details that may make them readily identifiable, or upon receipt of the application the ABS Secretary will anonymise the application. Applicants will be given the option to review the changes that the Secretary makes. |
Applications will usually be assessed by the selection panel of three people, derived from the ABS executive (including the extended executive). At times, if needed, the ABS may call on additional experts to assist in determining a project application, or the Secretary may need to contact applicants to gather more information.
All applications will be assessed on merit; that is, how well the project matches our objectives, its viability and expected conservation improvements, the project’s potential to receive funding from other sources, and how the project compares with other funding proposals. Only applications determined by the selection panel to be suitable for funding will be eligible to receive funding.
All applications will be assessed on merit; that is, how well the project matches our objectives, its viability and expected conservation improvements, the project’s potential to receive funding from other sources, and how the project compares with other funding proposals. Only applications determined by the selection panel to be suitable for funding will be eligible to receive funding.
Note that sometimes, good projects fail to win a grant simply because the application is incomplete or poorly constructed. To this end, we have compiled a document with advice to applicants to provide guidance to give applicants the best chance of success:
Note also that the Paddy Pallin Foundation has expressed a preference i) for at least one of the annual grants to support research on flying-foxes, and ii) for most grants to contribute to our understanding of bat habitat needs
Successful applicants will be notified within four weeks of the closing date of submissions.
Payment of funding:
Successful applicants will be required to sign an assistance agreement that describes the ABS’s commitment to your project and asks you, in turn, to agree to meet the conditions of assistance (set out below). The assistance agreement must be signed and returned to the ABS in order to receive funding.
On receipt of the assistance the successful applicant will receive 80% of the total amount granted. The final 20% will be paid on receipt of the article to the Australasian Bat Society Newsletter regarding the project (see conditions of assistance below).
Successful applicants will be notified within four weeks of the closing date of submissions.
Payment of funding:
Successful applicants will be required to sign an assistance agreement that describes the ABS’s commitment to your project and asks you, in turn, to agree to meet the conditions of assistance (set out below). The assistance agreement must be signed and returned to the ABS in order to receive funding.
On receipt of the assistance the successful applicant will receive 80% of the total amount granted. The final 20% will be paid on receipt of the article to the Australasian Bat Society Newsletter regarding the project (see conditions of assistance below).
Conditions of assistance:
To receive assistance successful applicants must agree to:
- Submit an article to the Australasian Bat Society Newsletter about the project and its achievements.
- Provide a photo for upload onto the ABS website.
- Make freely available the results of ABS funded work wherever possible.
- Acknowledge the support of the ABS in publications or public presentations etc. about the project.
- Indicate that they have obtained (or will obtain) the necessary permits to carry out the project.
- Offer to an approved public zoological collection, any specimens which may be collected as a result of support by the fund.
Applications should be sent to [email protected], in Word format (not PDF) to ensure that identifying details may be removed, before the end of the closing date.
The ABS reserves the right not to accept submissions that are sent after the closing date.
Past recipients of Paddy-Pallin Foundation-sponsored ABS grants:
- Oli Aylen - "Arid zone bats and fenced conservation reserves"
- Amanda Bush - "Investigation into the habitat use, flight distances and movement of the South Australian population of Southern Bent-wing Bat"
- Ophelie Planckaert - "Investigation of the population structure of endangered bent-wing bats, to enable the development of targeted conservation actions"
- Titia Schamhart - "The impact of artificial light on urban LTB behaviour and physiology"
- Eliane McCarthy - "Developing new methods for more accurate counts of flying-foxes in their roosts"
- Kerryn Parry-Jones - "Report on the microscopic identification of fruit in the faeces of flying-foxes"
- Amanda Lo Cascio - "What factors affect microbat connectivity in fire-prone fragmented landscapes"
- Laura Pulscher - "Investigating the nutritional ecology of the Christmas Island Flying-Fox"