A number of national and international bat conservation and rescue groups are listed below. The ABS commends all efforts towards preserving bats and their habitats; however, we do not have any official affiliation with any of the groups listed below, and inclusion on this list does not constitute an endorsement. Please directly contact the organisation of interest for further details on their current activities.
Bat Conservation Groups
Australian organisations
Bat Conservation and Rescue QLD Inc A volunteer self-funded organisation which operates a Rescue Line for bat rescue advice and assistance. They provide education, bat rescue and rehabilitation. Bats QLD A self-funded volunteer organisation based in south-east Queensland. They provide care for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife. Bat Rescue Inc Care for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife on the Sunshine Coast. Don't Shoot Bats Information and Action for the Conservation of Flying-foxes in Australia. Sydney Bats The Webiste of Ku-ring-gai Bat Colony Committee (KBCC) - committed to conserving Sydney's flying-foxes and microbats. Tolga Bat Hospital Tourist and Education Centre, rescue and care specialist for tick affected flying-foxes, Atherton Tablelands. International organisations Bats Without Borders - Africa A not-for-profit organisation working across southern Africa to conserve bat populations and biodiversity. Bat Conservation International - USA An international NGO devoted to conservation, education, and research initiatives involving bats and the ecosystems they serve. Bat Conservation Ireland - Republic of Ireland A Charity dedicated to the conservation of Ireland's bats. Promoting the conservation of bats and acting as an umbrella group for the local bat groups. Bat Conservation Trust - UK The leading NGO in the United Kingdom solely devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely. BatLife Europe - Europe An international NGO built from a partnership of national bat conservation organisations that are committed to promoting the conservation of all bat species and their habitats throughout Europe. Lubee Bat Conservancy - USA An international non-profit organization dedicated to protecting biological diversity through the conservation of fruit bats. RELCOM - Latin America A network of professionals committed to bat conservation working in partnership across Latin America and the Caribbean. Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research Unit (SEABCRU) Cordinates and implements research, capacity building, and outreach to promote the conservation of Southeast Asia’s diverse but threatened bat fauna. The Bat Study and Conservation group of Japan - Japan The Bat Study and Conservation group of Japan (BSCJ) was established in 1992 by researchers who were concerned with the conservation of bats. BSCJ is devoted to bat conservation and research. |