About the ABS Flying-Fox Expert Group
The Flying-fox Expert Group (FFEG) is the primary source of reliable, accurate information on Australian flying-foxes. The FFEG comprises flying-fox specialists representing research, advocacy, government, industry, education and carer networks. The FFEG encourages a scientific and sustainable approach to flying-fox management and conservation in Australasia.
The FFEG was formed in 2014 as a subcommittee by the Australasian Bat Society (ABS) Executive under the ABS Constitution in order to assist the ABS President with engagement in public debate, in issues concerning flying-foxes, and to ensure that the ABS’ position is defensible, unassailable, and based on published science and expert advice. The FFEG convenors can be contacted at [email protected].
The FFEG is convened by Jess Bracks, Sarah Curran, and Maree Kerr. Their role is to coordinate the FFEG members in responses to flying-fox issues, including via formal submissions and comments on referrals, representing ABS at National Flying-fox forums and developing and disseminating information and resources to assist managers and stakeholders achieve nationally coordinated and consistent management of Australian flying-foxes for the benefit of both people and flying-foxes.
The FFEG membership comprises of general members and advisors: 'general members' assist the coordinators in responses to issues and other tasks; 'advisors' advise on scientific and other expertise matters as needed. The ABS First Vice-President is responsible for overall coordination and information flow between the FFEG Convenors and members of the ABS Executive, including the ABS President.
FFEG ConvenorsJess Bracks
Maree Treadwell Kerr Sarah Curran Prof Justin Welbergen ABS President
Dr Leroy Gonsalves
ABS Vice President
Kelly Sheldrick
General members
AdvisorsDr Tania Bishop
Dr Carol Booth Dr Peggy Eby Nick Edards Jennifer Davis Prof Stuart Parsons Dr Merlin Tuttle Jo Towsey Dr David Westcott Trish Wimberley |