Pacific Islands Bat Forum: 10 August - 14 August 2021
The Australasian Bat Society, with a range of local and regional partners, is proud to announce the Pacific Islands Bat Forum, a forum for sharing of knowledge and identifying conservation and research priorities for bats throughout the Pacific region.
The forum will be online, and comprises an exciting schedule of presentations and workshops pertaining to bat conservation and research in the region.
The forum will be open to all those who would like to learn more about the bats in this amazing region and what we can do to help conserve them.
Best of all, due to the generous support from our sponsors, the forum is completely free!
We are hosting "Local Hubs" in several Pacific Island nations/territories to promote discussion around bat conservation and to increase accessibility to the forum. Light refreshments will be provided. If you are interested in attending one of the hubs, please contact the nominated contact person in the table below for more details and to register your interest. Local Hubs would not be possible without the support of our generous sponsors and the local facilitators. Local Hubs may be subject to change depending on local COVID-19 guidelines.
To view the agenda in your local time, log in to the forum platform and select 'switch to local time in the header bar.'